This week's letters to the editor - The Malvern Observer

This week's letters to the editor

Malvern Editorial 24th Oct, 2014 Updated: 20th Oct, 2016   0

AFTER attending the farcical meeting at The Bank House Hotel Bransford where our beloved council leaders voted for the proposed new South Worcestershire Development Plan, adding several major developments to the Malvern area in order to appease the Government inspector and the powers that be down in London.

It was a disgrace to sit and watch a large percentage of the Conservative party walk out because they were not allowed to vote on the subject on the grounds that they were all applying for planning permission to desecrate our rural landscape on land that they own, hence why there was no five-year plan in place so that they could profit from their positions and then move down south after they have done it and let us live with their legacy.

Well the people of Malvern can fight back and ensure that our town council and the county council who have not listened to the electorate for several years now can be replaced next year. This is our chance to make changes for the good.

I hope and pray that there are enough people out there who want to stand as independent councillors and stand for what the people of Malvern want instead of making stupid decisions and making life difficult for the residents living here.

It is time to take a stand and vote for the leadership to change and it is time for the residents of Malvern to make an effort to go to the polling stations to do this.

We always think that it doesn’t really effect us but I feel that this year people will realise for the first time when they try to use the main Worcester Road and they are stuck in traffic, they cant get a doctor’s appointment, dentists are full, children cant go to local schools, can’t park at the retail park as it is full, no open space to kick a ball round, air quality is poor and we are flooded because there is no natural soakaways left just like Tewkesbury.

Please, please, please lets all show our councillors that they have let us down and let us make a clean sweep and get people doing the job and represent the people who elected them.

I also need to remind people living in Malvern Link to now object to the development on Lower Howsell Road / Vandra Close and write their objection to the MHDC planning department ref number 14/01231/OUT.

Remember you are not on your own, 750 people signed a petition against this development

Once the field is gone it will be gone for good.

Thank you all for your support.

Ron Harris

Summerfield Road


SO WITH the merger of Malvern Hills District Council and Wychavon District Council now a fait accompli it will be interesting to see whether the local community is better served.

In these straightened times it would be a welcome change to have a council working assiduously to ensure far greater accountability and transparency.

Sadly, a number of recent actions by the MHDC have severely dented trust and created an impression rightly or wrongly that the council is not only highly defensive, but quite happy to be profligate with rate payers’ money particularly when it comes to payoffs and bonuses for selected council officers and councillors.

I earnestly hope that the merger will witness genuine efficiencies and a recommitment to local democracy and not result in the Malvern Hills district merely becoming an appendage of a larger entity.

Mrs S D Jones

Frederick Road, Malvern Link


FOLLOWING your report on the cable car project two weeks ago I would like to comment:

1. The Conservators do, in general, a good job under sometimes difficult circumstances: Malvern has been fortunate for their stewardship of the Hills and in being protected over the years by their policies.

2. Section 8 of the 1995 Malvern Hills Act gives them power – “For provision of roads or ways, to grant licences, to use and grant easements and rights in, under or over lands forming part of the Malvern Hills.”

3. Although rightly concerned about being ultra vires and not being in contravention of the Acts in considering the cable car project, they appear to be very lax about such important matters as light pollution on the hills and the proper enforcement of the AONB (National Park) rules.

4. Meeting strict environmental standards and avoiding any lasting damage to the ecology of the Hills is of fundamental importance to any major scheme, not least a cable car.

5. Another equally important aspect of the environment of the Hills is the wellbeing and prosperity of the people of Malvern. The

Conservators say that this is of no concern to them as it is not mentioned in any of the Acts. We think that this is a short sighted view and not giving the right priority to the overall management of the Hills.

A cable car system would have long lasting benefit not only for local businesses but also the community at large.

It would enable the Conservators to invest more in the Hills and it would reduce the subsidy paid to the Conservators by the District Council and allow investment in the town centre to attract more visitors. It would create at least fifty jobs and provide access to the Hills for the many people who are unable to enjoy them today.

May 2015 sees the election/appointment of new Conservators and we hope that the new Board of Trustees will welcome and support our proposals.

I would be pleased to provide details of the proposed project.

Mark Young

Marketing and press officer, Malvern Cable Car Promoter’s Group

[email protected]


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