This week's Letters to the Editor - The Malvern Observer

This week's Letters to the Editor

Malvern Editorial 14th Aug, 2014 Updated: 20th Oct, 2016   0

I WRITE in response to Mr Lawrence’s letter in last week’s Observer.

I would like to assure him that I am in regular contact with Barnards Green traders and prior to his letter, I had already discussed the CCTV situation with them. I had also contacted Street Scene for an update who advised me West Mercia Police were aware and taking immediate action. We also discussed installing temporary monitoring measures which are now in place.

I have asked that the council closely assesses the situation including CCTV. As a councillor for the ward, I will continue to push for permanent proposals to be drawn up with close input from the police, for a long-term solution in Barnards Green.

Melanie Baker

Conservative Councillor, Chase ward


I APPLAUD Harriett Baldwin’s support of posties after they have been bitten whilst doing their job.

I would have applauded more if she had not recently dismissed out of hand my suggestion to her that all dogs not in the house should be muzzled. That would avoid this problem in the future and could save lives. I suggest she looks at a recent TV programme ‘Dangerous dog owners and proud’ which was on Channel 5 Saturday (August 9). It would be interesting to have her comments.

Name and address supplied


AS A NATIONAL greyhound protection organisation we were very pleased to read in last week’s Observer that Ledbury woman Mary Roberts took part in a national cycling event to raise funds for Greyhound Rescue West of England.

We agree with her that ‘GRWE is an amazing charity’, but sadly they and the many other greyhound rescues throughout the country are only able to save a small percentage of the thousands of dogs discarded by the racing industry every year.

Tragically, most of these ‘unwanted’ greyhounds end up being put to death by breeders or trainers, if they prove to be unsuitable for racing or when their ‘careers’ on the tracks come to an end.

Members of the public can help prevent this horrific situation by not attending or betting on greyhound racing, so this appalling death-industry fades away through lack of financial support.

Tony Peters

Action for Greyhounds


A BIG thank you to the residents of Wells Ward who showed their support and voted for me in the recent by-election. I am delighted to be your new Conservative district councillor and appreciate the confidence you have shown in me.

I would also like to thank Harriett Baldwin MP who tirelessly supported me, the members and supporters of the Conservative Association who walked the streets with me, my family for their support and especially my husband Tony who has been by my side throughout.

It has been wonderful talking to so many people on the doorstep and I hope to see much more of you in the future. I’m ready to serve all the people of Wells ward and can assure you I will do my very best to be a strong voice for you all.

Thank you all again.

Chris O’Donnell

Conservative district councillor for Wells Ward


MALVERN is now labelled as one of the most expensive small towns in England to live in.

Why you may well ask as we are only a small town our costs should not be that high.

Think again, as a small community we have one of the most expensive district councils in the country in MHDC, one of the most prolific spenders in England. This council employs a number of executives all earning well over £60,000 per annum with a chief executive earning well over £100,000 per annum. This number of executives exceeds the number of executives employed by much larger councils, why?

In addition to this our esteemed councillors give themselves a rise irrelevant of requests from central Government to cut their spending, or without any thought to the pockets of local residents.

Further, any councillor whose face fits seems to be given portfolios despite having only been a councillor for less than a year and with no experience whatsoever in this position. Still they are of the party so let them have two or three thousand more a year.

For a small council they are spending our money without compunction it would seem.

Isn’t it about time the activities of this council were thoroughly investigated.

Mike Charles

Outraged long-term resident of Malvern

Somers Park Avenue


I WAS intrigued and a bit irritated by Tony Baker’s letter last week. I wondered first of all if there was a connection between Tony and Melanie, the rising star of Malvern Tory party.

But since Councillor Baker may, or then may not, be hiding behind her husband’s apron strings, I’ll leave your readers to imagine.

I have recently written critically about the behaviour of the ruling cabal of MHDC. My views are a matter of public record. What is not a matter of public record is my political background. My parents were life long Tory voters; my brother a party member (and I assisted in his election campaigns on several occasions). My career brought me quite frequently into contact with Government ministers of both left and right, so I practised a strict neutrality whilst becoming ever more aware of cant, hypocrisy and deviousness. I was truly and genuinely disturbed when I moved to Malvern to find these wretched characteristics were so blatantly practised by the ruling Tories. I felt compelled to write openly about what I saw as despicable practices that do a great disservice to all the voters of Malvern.

Francis Whiston

Worcester Road, Malvern

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